Ange Postecoglou Reveals Why Spurs Are a Different Beast This Season

Ange Postecoglou has made it clear that Tottenham Hotspur will be a vastly different team compared to last season, with players now having a much better grasp of their roles and the expectations placed upon them.

As Postecoglou enters his second year at the helm, he is confident that the squad’s understanding of his system and style of play has significantly improved, which bodes well for the upcoming season.

A New Approach Under Postecoglou

When Postecoglou first arrived at Tottenham, he was tasked with transforming a team that had grown accustomed to a counter-attacking style under their previous three head coaches. The shift to a possession-based, high-pressing approach was a significant departure from what the players were used to, and the transition came with its challenges.

The 58-year-old Australian manager managed to get the squad to buy into his vision, but the growing pains were evident as opposition teams exploited weaknesses in Tottenham’s new system during the latter part of the campaign. Despite these setbacks, Postecoglou remained committed to his philosophy and worked tirelessly to instill his ideas in the squad.

Reflecting on the progress made during pre-season, Postecoglou told Sky Sports, “Definitely a growth in the players. Their understanding and their embracing of the way we train and the way we do things. It was all very new to them last year, it’s fair to say. It was a fairly drastic departure from what they’d been used to.”

He added, “Whenever you have that change, there’s always a little bit of uncertainty. They look more comfortable this year in embracing what we’re going to do and what we have been doing.”

Improved Understanding and Comfort

Postecoglou’s emphasis on the players’ improved understanding and comfort within his system is a key factor in why he believes Tottenham will be a different beast this season. The squad has had a full season and pre-season to adapt to the new style, allowing them to refine their roles and responsibilities on the pitch.

This familiarity has not only boosted the players’ confidence but has also allowed the coaching staff to push the team to a higher level. Postecoglou stated, “That’s good for me and the other coaches because it allows us to say we’ve now got to challenge them and ourselves to make sure what we’re delivering is at a bigger level than it was last year.”

Strengthened Squad and Depth

One of the main issues Tottenham faced last season was their inability to cope with disruptions, such as injuries and suspensions. The lack of squad depth and experience often left the team struggling to maintain their performance levels during challenging periods. This was something Postecoglou was keenly aware of, and he has worked to address it during the summer transfer window.

Postecoglou explained, “What we really found last year, and it was no surprise, was that whenever we had disruptions, whether that was injuries or suspensions, we lacked some discipline, we really struggled to maintain the levels of football that we established when everyone was up and running.”

To combat this, Tottenham has strengthened their squad, bringing in key signings and ensuring they have the depth to cope with the inevitable challenges that come with a long season. The manager believes that a stronger squad, combined with a better understanding of the system, will help the team navigate the difficult moments more effectively.

Lessons Learned and Growth

Another aspect that Postecoglou highlighted was the importance of learning from the experiences of the previous season. He acknowledged that every team faces challenges throughout the season, but it’s how they respond to these challenges that defines their success.

“Invariably in any year, you’re going to have some challenges. It’s about coping with that better. Having a better squad hopefully copes with that. A better understanding of, through that time, what we need to focus on. That means to me that we’re better prepared for the challenges that are always there,” Postecoglou said.

He also pointed out that the current Tottenham squad is relatively young and inexperienced, with many players experiencing their first year in the Premier League or their first season at the club. This lack of experience was a factor in some of the inconsistencies seen last season, but Postecoglou is optimistic that the growth and development of these players will make a significant difference this time around.

“Because we’re still a very young group and a lot of them it was their first year in the Premier League or their first year at Tottenham. When you’re looking at a benchmark I think most of them left a pretty decent one last year, so if we can improve on that, that will put us in a pretty good space,” he added.

The Importance of Experience

The additional year of experience in the Premier League is expected to have a profound impact on the development of individual players within the squad. Many of these players will now be more familiar with the challenges and demands of the league, allowing them to perform with greater consistency and confidence.

Having gone through the ups and downs of the previous season, the players are better equipped to handle the pressures and expectations that come with playing for a club like Tottenham Hotspur. This experience, coupled with the improvements in squad depth and tactical understanding, has Postecoglou optimistic about the team’s prospects for the upcoming campaign.


As Tottenham Hotspur prepares for the new season, there is a palpable sense of optimism around the club. Ange Postecoglou’s confidence in the squad’s development and the improvements made over the past year suggests that Spurs are poised to be a more formidable force. With a stronger squad, a clearer understanding of their roles, and the lessons learned from last season, Tottenham fans have every reason to believe that their team will be a different beast in the 2024/25 season.

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